From Zero to main(): Bare metal C
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From Zero to main(): Bare metal C
Working on embedded software, one quickly develops a quasi-religious respect for the axioms of embedded C programming:
- The entry point of thy program shall be named “main”.
- Thou shalt initialize thy static variables, else The Machine shall set them to zero.
- Thou shalt implement The Interrupts. HardFault_Handler chief among them, but also SysTick_Handler.
Ask an engineer where those rules come from, and they’ll wave towards cryptic startup files implemented in assembly. Often times those files are copy-pasted from project to project. Seldom are they ever read, let alone modified.
Throughout the Zero to main() series of posts, we demystify what happens between when power is applied and your main function is called. In the process, we’ll learn how to bootstrap a C environment, implement a bootloader, relocate code, and more!
Setting the stage
While most of the concepts and code presented in this series should work for all Cortex-M series MCUs, our examples target the SAMD21G18 processor by Atmel. This is a Cortex-M0+ chip found on several affordable development boards.
Specifically, we are using:
- Adafruit’s Metro M0 Express as our development board,
- a simple CMSIS-DAP Adapter
- OpenOCD (the Arduino fork) for programming
In each case, we’ll implement a simple blinking LED application. It is not particularly interesting in itself, but for the sake of completeness you can find the code reproduced below.
#define LED_0_PIN PIN_PA17
static void set_output(const uint8_t pin) {
struct port_config config_port_pin;
config_port_pin.direction = PORT_PIN_DIR_OUTPUT;
port_pin_set_config(pin, &config_port_pin);
port_pin_set_output_level(pin, false);
int main() {
while (true) {
for (volatile int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) {}
Power on!
So how did we get to main? All we can tell from observation is that we applied power to the board and our code started executing. There must be behavior intrinsic to the chip that defines how code is executed.
And indeed, there is! Digging into the ARMv6-M Technical Reference Manual, which is the underlying architecture manual for the Cortex-M0+, we can find some pseudo-code that describes reset behavior:
// B1.5.5 TakeReset()
// ============
VTOR = Zeros(32);
for i = 0 to 12
R[i] = bits(32) UNKNOWN;
bits(32) vectortable = VTOR;
CurrentMode = Mode_Thread;
LR = bits(32) UNKNOWN; // Value must be initialised by software
APSR = bits(32) UNKNOWN; // Flags UNPREDICTABLE from reset
IPSR<5:0> = Zeros(6); // Exception number cleared at reset
PRIMASK.PM = '0'; // Priority mask cleared at reset
CONTROL.SPSEL = '0'; // Current stack is Main
CONTROL.nPRIV = '0'; // Thread is privileged
ResetSCSRegs(); // Catch-all function for System Control Space reset
for i = 0 to 511 // All exceptions Inactive
ExceptionActive[i] = '0';
ClearEventRegister(); // See WFE instruction for more information
SP_main = MemA[vectortable,4] AND 0xFFFFFFFC<31:0>;
SP_process = ((bits(30) UNKNOWN):'00');
start = MemA[vectortable+4,4]; // Load address of reset routine
BLXWritePC(start); // Start execution of reset routine
In short, the chip does the following:
- Reset the vector table address to
- Disable all interrupts
- Load the SP from address
- Load the PC from address
“Mystery solved!”, you’ll say. Our main
function must be at address
Let us check.
First, we dump our bin
file to see what address 0x0000000
and 0x00000004
francois-mba:zero-to-main francois$xxd build/minimal/minimal.bin | head
00000000: 0020 0020 c100 0000 b500 0000 bb00 0000 . . ............
00000010: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
00000020: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
00000030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
00000040: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
00000050: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
00000060: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
00000070: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
00000080: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
00000090: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
If I’m reading this correctly, our inital SP is 0x20002000
, and our start
address pointer is 0x000000c1
Let’s dump our symbols to see which one is at 0x000000c1
francois-mba:minimal francois$arm-none-eabi-objdump -t build/minimal.elf | sort
000000b4 g F .text 00000006 NMI_Handler
000000ba g F .text 00000006 HardFault_Handler
000000c0 g F .text 00000088 Reset_Handler
00000148 l F .text 0000005c system_pinmux_get_group_from_gpio_pin
000001a4 l F .text 00000020 port_get_group_from_gpio_pin
000001c4 l F .text 00000022 port_get_config_defaults
000001e6 l F .text 0000004e port_pin_set_output_level
00000234 l F .text 00000038 port_pin_toggle_output_level
0000026c l F .text 00000040 set_output
000002ac g F .text 0000002c main
That’s odd! Our main function is found at 0x000002ac
. No symbol at 0x000000c1
, but a
symbol at 0x000000c0
It turns out that the lowest bit of the PC is used to indicate thumb2
instructions, which is one of the two instruction sets supported by ARM
processors, so Reset_Handler
is what we’re looking for (for more details check
out section A4.1.1 in the ARMv6-M manual).
Writing a Reset_Handler
Unfortunately, the Reset_Handler is often an inscrutable mess of Assembly code. See the nRF52 SDK startup file for example.
Instead of going through this file line-by-line, let’s see if we can write a minimal Reset_Handler from first principles.
Here again, ARM’s Technical Reference Manuals are useful. Section 5.9.2 of the Cortex-M3 TRM contains the following table:
Action | Description |
Initialize variables | Any global/static variables must be setup. This includes initializing the BSS variable to 0, and copying initial values from ROM to RAM for non-constant variables. |
[Setup stacks] | If more than one stack is be used, the other banked SPs must be initialized. The current SP can also be changed to Process from Main. |
[Initialize any runtime] | Optionally make calls to C/C++ runtime init code to enable use
of heap, floating point, or other features. This is normally done by __main from the C/C++ library. |
So, our ResetHandler is responsible for initializing static and global
variables, and starting our program.
This mirrors what the C standards tells us:
All objects with static storage duration shall be initialized (set to their initial values) before program startup. The manner and timing of such initialization are otherwise unspecified.
(Section 5.1.2, Execution environment)
In practice this means that given the following snippet:
static uint32_t foo;
static uint32_t bar = 2;
Our Reset_Handler
needs to make sure that the memory at &foo
is 0x00000000, and the
memory at &bar
is 0x00000002.
We cannot just go and initialize each variable one by one. Instead, we rely on the compiler (technically, the linker) to put all those variables in the same place so we can initialize them in one fell swoop.
For static variables that must be zeroed, the linker gives us _sbss
as start and end addresses. We can therefore do:
/* Clear the zero segment */
for (uint32_t *bss_ptr = &_sbss; bss_ptr < &_ebss;) {
*bss_ptr++ = 0;
For static variables with an init value, the linker gives us:
as the address the init values are stored at -
as the address the static variables live at -
as the end of the static variables memory
We then can do:
uint32_t *init_values_ptr = &_etext;
uint32_t *data_ptr = &_sdata;
if (init_values_ptr != data_ptr) {
for (; data_ptr < &_edata;) {
*data_ptr++ = *init_values_ptr++;
Putting it together, we can write our Reset_Handler
void Reset_Handler(void)
/* Copy init values from text to data */
uint32_t *init_values_ptr = &_etext;
uint32_t *data_ptr = &_sdata;
if (init_values_ptr != data_ptr) {
for (; data_ptr < &_edata;) {
*data_ptr++ = *init_values_ptr++;
/* Clear the zero segment */
for (uint32_t *bss_ptr = &_sbss; bss_ptr < &_ebss;) {
*bss_ptr++ = 0;
We still need to start our program! That’s achieved with a simple call to
void Reset_Handler(void)
/* Copy init values from text to data */
uint32_t *init_values_ptr = &_etext;
uint32_t *data_ptr = &_sdata;
if (init_values_ptr != data_ptr) {
for (; data_ptr < &_edata;) {
*data_ptr++ = *init_values_ptr++;
/* Clear the zero segment */
for (uint32_t *bss_ptr = &_sbss; bss_ptr < &_ebss;) {
*bss_ptr++ = 0;
/* Overwriting the default value of the NVMCTRL.CTRLB.MANW bit (errata reference 13134) */
/* Branch to main function */
/* Infinite loop */
while (1);
You will note that we added two things:
- An infinite loop after
, so we do not run off into the weeds if the main function returns - Workaround for chip bugs which are best taken care of before our program
starts. Sometimes these are wrapped in a
function called by theReset_Handler
. This is the approach taken by Nordic.
All the code used in this blog post is available on Github.
See anything you'd like to change? Submit a pull request or open an issue at GitHub
More complex programs often require a more complicated Reset_Handler
. For
- Relocatable code must be copied over
- If our program relies on libc, we must initialize it
EDIT: Post written! - From Zero to main(): Bootstrapping libc with Newlib - More complex memory layouts can add a few copy / zero loops
We’ll cover all of them in future posts. But before that,
we’ll talk about how the magical memory region variables come about,
how our Reset_Handler
’s address ends up at 0x00000004
, and how to write a
linker script in our next post!
EDIT: Post written! - From Zero to main(): Demystifying Firmware Linker Scripts

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